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Police Misconduct and Perjury Detailed

Scott Davis Deserves a New Trial!

Is it a fair trial when police and law enforcement repeatedly violate due process?

Lead APD Homicide detective Rick Chambers altered evidence, hid evidence and repeatedly committed perjury during trial. Chambers is the one most responsible for Scott's false conviction
Lead APD Homicide detective Rick Chambers altered evidence, hid evidence and repeatedly committed perjury during trial. Chambers is the one most responsible for Scott’s false conviction

Is it fair when Law enforcement does the following :

  • Destroy and lose over 70 pieces of critical evidence INTENTIONALLY or recklessly

  • APD detectives Rick Chambers and Marchel Walker altered and edited the taped interview of Scott Davis that was falsely used against him at trial. These alterations hid threats and hid many of Scott’s exculpatory answers

  • Detectives are still hiding a secret second tape

  • Destroy crime scene fingerprints right before trial that were not Scott’s, don’t run the prints thru AFIS, and then lie about it to judge and jury

  • AFD employee Linda Tolbert lies on an affidavit about receiving the alleged murder weapon along with 35 other pieces. she denied receiving the evidence before trial but was caught after trial. All the evidence just vanished

  • The GBI firearm examiner in Scott’s case, Bernadette Davy, was fired for faking evidence reporys and lying. She was responsible for allegedly testing all the now missing firearm evidence

  • Prosecutors knowingly allowed Megan Bruton and others to commit perjury

  • The Atlanta Police Evidence room was treated like a trash dump

Atlanta Police treat evidence like trash
Atlanta Police treat evidence like trash

No. It is not a fair trial. The case against Scott was a purely circumstantial case based on false evidence and perjury.

  • Give Scott a New Trial and give a jury the truth this time

Help free Scott!


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