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Megan told Scott and others that David Coffin had been shot before police knew!

It is a recurring mistake that people claim and that the media has falsely reported that Scott was the first to mention that the victim had been “shot”. This is blatantly false.

The TV shows on this case are old news and don’t even discuss all the new evidence in Scott’s favor because police hid it and it was only discovered after trial.

Megan Bruton was the first to divulge this as testified to by Megan’s best friend Jennifer who stated that Megan called her at 12:08am and said “David was shot in the head”.  This call as also witnessed by Jennifer’s then husband Mike was ten minutes before Megan called Scott and stated “David was shot”.

Read the interview of Megan’s friends here

This statement was heard and testified to by David’s best friend Craig Foster. 


Scott only repeated Megan’s words.  The problem is Megan later lied,  denied and changed her story on this. She knew but hid it. Even the jurors questioned how Megan knew.  The problem was prosecutors knew she was lying but let her do so and probably encouraged it. 


The question is how did she know?  Why did she lie? Why did dirty cop Ricky Chambers ignore it? 

All of this is in the court records. Go to the EVIDENCE VAULT section  click here of this website for more.  Help free Scott.

 Investigate Megan! 


Megan was the first to divulge David Coffin was "shot" even before police knew.
Megan was the first to divulge David Coffin was “shot” even before police knew.
Published inBlogCase News

One Comment

  1. Everything on this site is true. Read the facts and do some research. The TV shows on this case are old news and incomplete. All the latest evidence supports Scott’s innocence or at least a new trial.

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